kerr and worriers   

寫得太好了,台灣的政客們都應該要好好看一下(我是在作夢嗎!?)。如果台灣的政治人物都能像 Steve Kerr一樣,就不會像現在這樣『不問是非,只問藍綠』了。以下是在下的翻譯,翻的不好請包涵。


Mr. President: You Represent All of Us. Don’t Divide Us. Bring Us Together



We knew it was coming.



After Steph spoke up at media day on Friday, we figured it was just a matter of time until the president responded. Then on Saturday morning my wife, Margot, woke me up. “Here it is,” she said, and showed me Trump’s tweet. Our invitation, he wrote, “has been withdrawn” because, “going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team” and, “Stephen Curry is hesitating.”

在 Steph 星期五的記者會之後,我們知道總統的回覆只是時間早晚的問題。然後在星期六的早上,我的太太 Margot 把我叫醒說:「來了。」然後給我看川普在 Twitter 的回覆。我們的邀請,他說:「已經被收回了」因為「對冠軍隊伍來說,來到白宮應該是一件很榮耀的事」但「Stephen 卻在那裡猶豫。」


First off, I’m pretty sure Steph wasn’t “hesitating”. He made it clear he wouldn’t go. Second, as I joked to the media Saturday, it was like the president was trying to break up with us before we broke up with him.

第一,我想 Stephen 並沒有『猶豫。』他說的很清楚他不會去。第二,像我向媒體開的玩笑一樣,這看起來好像總統要趕在我們跟他分手前先跟我們分手一樣。


Regardless, it’s a shame. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet President Reagan, both Bushes, Clinton, and Obama. I didn’t agree with all of them, but it was easy to set politics aside because each possessed an inherent respect for the office, as well as the humility that comes with being a public servant in an incredible position of power, representing 300 million people. And that’s the problem now. In his tweet to Steph, Trump talked about honoring the White House but, really, isn’t it you who must honor the White House, Mr. President? And the way to do that is through compassion and dignity and being above the fray. Not causing the fray.

無論如何,這事根本不應該發生。我很幸運,我遇到過雷根、兩任布希總統、柯林頓、還有歐巴馬。我並不同意他們所有人的政見,但因為每個人都對這間辦公室,並對這樣一位有著無比的權力、並對三億人服務並負責任的人的敬意,我們在這個時候都可以把政治擺一邊。然而現在這卻是個問題。在他對 Stephen 的回覆裡,川普叫他要尊敬白宮,但是,真的,你不就是那個應該尊敬白宮的人嗎,總統先生?要做到這個,就必須要有同情、尊嚴,和高於一般紛亂的高度,而不是紛亂製造者。


Would we have gone? Probably not. The truth is we all struggled with the idea of spending time with a man who has offended us with his words and actions time and again. But I can tell you one thing: it wouldn’t have been for the traditional ceremony, to shake hands and smile for cameras. Internally, we’d discussed whether it’d be possible to just go and meet as private citizens and have a serious, poignant discussion about some of the issues we’re concerned about. But he’s made it hard for any of us to actually enter the White House, because what’s going on is not normal. It’s childish stuff: belittling people and calling them names. So to expect to go in and have a civil, serious discourse? Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen.



Look, I’m a basketball coach and what I do obviously pales in comparison to what the president does. But our jobs are similar in at least one respect: If you want to be an NBA coach, you need to be prepared to be criticized. You kind of know that going in. If I coach poorly and we lose the game, I hear about it. That’s okay. It’s really where we coaches earn our money, accepting and dealing with criticism and keeping the ship moving forward. There has to be an inherent understanding when you enter into any public position of power that this is what happens. People are going to take shots at you and it’s incumbent upon you to absorb those shots. Maybe you respond diplomatically, but you maintain a level of respect and dignity. What you can’t do is just angrily lash out. Can you imagine if I lashed out at all my critics every day and belittled them? I’d lose my players, I’d embarrass ownership, I’d embarrass myself. Pretty soon I’d be out of a job. It’s a basic adult thing that you learn as you grow up: People aren't always going to agree with you. And that’s OK.

聽著,我是一個籃球教練,我做的事明顯沒法子跟總統比。但我們的工作在一個方面卻很相像,就是:如果你要當一個 NBA 的教練,你就要準備好被批評。當你是教練時你就知道了。如果我今天指導的不好然後輸了球賽,我就會聽到批評。這沒關係。真正讓我們賺錢的是我們把球隊帶到哪裡,接受並處理批評,然後確定球隊繼續往前。這裡有一個大家心知肚明的事,就是當你成為一個在上位者時,人們會對你進行批判,那你這在位的就要接受並處理這些批評。也許你會以比較用外交手腕的方式回應,但你會維持一個尊敬並有尊嚴的態度。你不能做的就是直接把脾氣發出來。你能想像如果我每天對我那些批評我的人憤怒相向,然後矮化、詆毀他們?我如果這樣做,我會失去我的球員,我會讓我的老闆丟臉,也會讓我自己丟臉。不久我就會失去我的工作。『人們不一定會同意你,並且這是可接受的』這件事是一個基本的成人該知道的事,你愈大就應該欲清楚。


Instead, we get Trump’s comments over the weekend about NFL players, calling them ‘sons of bitches’ for kneeling during the anthem. Those just crushed me. Crushed me. Just think about what those players are protesting. They’re protesting excessive police violence and racial inequality. Those are really good things to fight against. And they’re doing it in a nonviolent way. Which is everything that Martin Luther King preached, right? A lot of American military members will tell you that the right to free speech is exactly what they fight for. And it’s just really, really upsetting that the leader of our country is calling for these players to be ‘fired.’ 

然而,我們看到川普對 NFL 的球員在週末的批評,說他們「那些在唱國歌時跪著的人,他們是狗娘養的。」我一聽到整個人都呆掉了。我無言以對。想想那些球員的訴求是什麼,他們在對警察的暴力行為和種族不平等的事表示抗議。那些是真正值得爭取的事,並且他們是以和平的方式在訴求。那也是金恩博士一直在鼓吹的,不是嗎?很多美國軍人會告訴你言論自由是他們的真正訴求,然而這真的讓人非常、非常生氣,就是當你聽我們國家的領導人說那些球員都該被『炒魷魚』。


The hard part is knowing what to do now. Margot and I talked for a long time Saturday morning about what to say publicly. I’ve probably been as critical of Trump as anybody but maybe it’s time to take a different course. There’s no need to get into a war of words. It’s about trying to hang on to the values that are important to us as an organization, a country, and, really, as human beings.

難的是我們不知道我們現在該做些什麼。Margo 和我在星期六的早上說了很多,關於我們應該對公眾說些什麼。我可能對川普像跟一般人一樣都過於批評,所以現在是用另外一個方法的時候。我們不需要打筆仗。這關乎到作為一個國家、一個組織、一群人類,我們如何維持我們大家所重視的價值。


The fact is we live in an amazing country, but it’s a flawed one. I consider myself unbelievably lucky to live here, so please spare me the ‘If you don’t like it you can get out’ argument. I love living here. I love my country. I just think it’s important to recognize that we as a nation are far from perfect, and it’s our responsibility to try to make it better. And one of the ways to do that is to promote awareness and understanding and acceptance. Not just acceptance but embracing our diversity, which when you get down to it is not only who we are but truly what makes us great. And it’s not happening.



Remember, the president works for us, not vice versa. We elected him. He doesn’t just work for his constituents and his base. He works for every citizen. Once you take that office, you have to do what’s best for the entire country. Sure, you’re going to have policies that align with your party, but that’s not the point. Respectfully, Mr. Trump, the point is this: You’re the president. You represent all of us. Don’t divide us.



Bring us together. 




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